The questions that we have come up with for our ethnographic research questionnaire are as follows:
Customer Questionnaire:
1. Where would you most like to eat? (Given the 4 choices of images)
2. How do you think others feel about eating on the streets?
3. Has the way you eat on the street changed over time?
4. How do you feel about eating on the streets?
5. Draw your fantasy food truck dining experience.
5.5 How would eating on the streets change for you if it could always be like your fantasy?
6. How would you feel about eating on the street if you won the lottery?
Driver Questionnaire:
What environmental aspects influence your business the most?
Does available seating for your customers influence your decision on where to park?
Of these four images, where do you think your customers would most like to eat their meal?
Of these four images, where would you most like to eat your meal?
Around how much square footage of free space do you have in your truck?
Can you indicate where it is located within the truck on this map?
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